Posts tagged with "Feb2016"

12. February 2016
It's an old question with me, isn't it? "Where has the writing gone?" It isn't here. It's visiting its dad for a few months. It's off to college. I don't know. It isn't here, though. This much is certain. Here is how my day-to-day goes: Wake up @0800 Dressed, washed up and out the door by 0830 Work the museum 0900-1730 Change clothes, drive downtown Work the Cheesecake Factory from 1800-2300 Drive home Repeat I had a brief stint with Domino's but since it was the lowest paying job, I couldn't...
07. February 2016
So I'm sitting there in the doctor's office. Bottomless. I am alone and have been waiting for the doctor to validate my nakedness for near 20 minutes. There are photos on a corkboard of all the babies this particular doctor had delivered. They are usual babies. Wide eyed. Gummy. The girls have bows and the boys are older and already dirty. I am freezing. My legs look like what I imagine the corkboard must look like underneath all those futuristic photos. I am not handling the silence well. I am...