Posts tagged with "January"

31. January 2015
It's very difficult to get me to sit down and watch a movie. Same thing with TV shows. I've just never considered it my idea of a good time. However, I have spent all afternoon/evening watching Netflix and let me tell you, I have found an adorable little movie called, "In Your Eyes". This seemingly inconspicuous gem is the tale of two strangers on the opposite ends of the country who, via random telepathic link, discover that they can communicate with each other over the thousands of miles that...
19. January 2015
As is the way with most things, once you prepare yourself a cozy little corner of cyberspace to put all of your stupid thoughts and ideas, good ol' Writer's Block comes in and reminds you that you are Not "all that". I have written several short story snippets, but no poetry. I find that writing is difficult for me when I'm happy and I am most certainly that these days. You all will just have to wait for that other shoe to drop before getting to read anything new, I guess. Anyhow, I'll be...
30. December 2014
Be more active (buy a bike, join a boxing club) Be more productive (finish my book, play more guitar) Read at least five classic novels (I skipped a lot of English class in high school) Take the fact that I'm getting older more seriously (vitamins, smoothies n'shit) And there you have it.