Posts tagged with "March"

24. March 2015
There is a Border Collie that visits my job regularly accompanied by a fit man with a biking backpack. A year ago, when I first saw the dog, he was awfully overweight, but seemed to be in good spirits as the fit man tossed an orange cloth frisbee for him to chase down and shake violently, the way dogs do. Fast forward to tonight and this dog is in Much better shape, though still a little husky (badump chump). Wait. That joke doesn't work for Collies, does it? Anyways, here's what I observed...
09. March 2015
What's been going on? Not a whole lot. I have cornered this annoying little block in my brain and forced it to identify itself. And it has! I now know why I haven't written Anything, lately. Back in the old days, I'm talkin' 2002-2007/8, I used to write in code. That sounds sort of dumb, and believe me, you're not wrong, but that's the way I used to do it in order to prevent anyone's feelings from being hurt. Nothing kills my creative boner like too many eyes asking too many questions. "Is this...