Posts tagged with "September"

28. September 2015
The mind is so frighteningly powerful when it decides to apply itself. I have gotten older and fatter and less impressive in most every aspect of life, but my mind is as sharp as the day it was dropped on and in my head. If it can manage to create stories and poetry and 3-D renderings of people I've never met, and I mean they are stunningly close to the real thing, holy fucking shit is my brain good. If it (I) can manage to do all these things, why can't I seem to grasp the concept of aging? A...
28. September 2015
Kid with wet shorts NOT crying = modern parenting Agitated gay attendant is the voice of tangled, strangled lace. How can I interest this coffee vendor? Cavernous parking - Call Dr. Jones! This place is sort of like a spinning top, flinging people far and wide (or near and narrow, for weak gripped newcomers like myself) People arriving with no one waiting for them should really smile back. Maybe that's why no one is picking you up, jerk. The more than mild paranoia that these are all strangers...