Posts tagged with "baby"

19. October 2016
I'd known for over a month that Herbert's 2 month checkup wasn't going to be pleasant. The shitty doctor (he's a man with that 'it's all in your head' type of personality) had informed us at his last checkup that his 2 month well visit would include about 5 different immunizations. Three pokes total and an oral vaccine. I had known this and yet, I waited until the night before his visit to start reading up and freaking out about it. Mothers shared their horror stories of babies who reacted...
26. September 2016
Err-Bear will be six weeks old tomorrow...
14. September 2016
Good morning, Starshine. The Earth says, "Hello!"
08. August 2016
Shit is getting Super Serious.
10. July 2016
10 more weeks to go!
22. April 2016
The amount of pain I've been in for the last, oh, eight weeks has been incredible. My back feels like someone is digging their knuckles into my lower spine. Like there are sharp shards of bone floating in between the soft spaces used to cushion movement. It hasn't rendered me Totally immobile, but it has come awfully close. Today, however, I am pleased to report that I can walk without wanting to cry about it. Why? Well, I've been using heat patches the last three days, so either the heat has...
06. March 2016
It has been five weeks since my last update. Five weeks ago, the picture they gave me looked like a seahorse, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you how disappointing that was. I hate seahorses. This is the kid as of a couple of days ago. Forehead. Nose. Mouth. Belly. Legs. Feet. Little arm behind its cool, calm, and collected head. My little sea monkey has finally taken shape and is now on the road to consuming the tank. Ick. Ick. Ick.
07. February 2016
So I'm sitting there in the doctor's office. Bottomless. I am alone and have been waiting for the doctor to validate my nakedness for near 20 minutes. There are photos on a corkboard of all the babies this particular doctor had delivered. They are usual babies. Wide eyed. Gummy. The girls have bows and the boys are older and already dirty. I am freezing. My legs look like what I imagine the corkboard must look like underneath all those futuristic photos. I am not handling the silence well. I am...
24. January 2016
So a funny thing happened to me after the Primus concert last week... Let me start at the beginning.